Films for Sale
DVDs are available in several formats and combinations. They are shipped within 5 business days via US priority mail unless otherwise requested. Your final price will include shipping costs.
To present any of these films for paying audiences, please contact us.

Personal Version
(67 minutes, $35.00)
The full-length family portrait with segments on recreation, religion, therapy, and the surprise engagement. This is the original award-winning film.

Educational Version
(52 minutes, $25.00)
Highlights of the family portrait; this version is excellent for group viewings, cultural and sociological studies.

Mini Version
(15 minutes, $15.00)
Features scenes of the family dealing with wealth and class issues. This version was created as a catalyst for group discussions on money and family values.

© 1982 Sue Sarah Gilbert
(50 minutes, $20.00)
This classic documentary portrays the senior Gilberts, their frank opinions, and their graceful 40-year love story - all framed by their opulent lifestyle.

"Beyond America"
© 2004 Sarah Skye Gilbert
(40 minutes, $10.00)
Beyond America explores French culture through a high school junior's eyes. She learns unexpected lessons about the world and herself.

Greenaway + Beyond Greenaway (Educational): $40.00
Ordered at same time, shipped to one address.

Beyond Greenaway (Educational) + Mini: $30.00
Ordered at same time, shipped to one address.

Family Pack: Greenaway + Beyond Greenaway (Personal) + Beyond America: $50.00
Ordered at same time, shipped to one address.